Wednesday, March 2, 2016

February 23, 2016: From Australia to Iowa to Uganda by Way of Seattle: Human Feeding Trials of GMO Bananas Raise Concerns

You may wonder what protestors clad in banana costumes have to do with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But then you might not be up on a multi-continental GMO banana experiment funded by the foundation whose stated goal is to reduce Vitamin A deficiency in Uganda. Human feeding trials of the banana are slated to begin at Iowa State University shortly. The FDA doesn't require any clinical trials for genetically modified food stuffs, they generally go straight to market. But scientists developing the GM banana want to see just how effectively the human body derives the vitamin from their banana and human feeding trials are slated to begin at Iowa State University sometime this year. The issue is stirring controversy. Last week, 57,000 petition signatures were delivered to the Gates Foundation in simultaneous demonstrations in Seattle and Ames, Iowa. Martha Baskin has our story.

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