Friday, June 20, 2008

New Green ACRE Radio Show: Non Point Pollution Killing Puget Sound

(NOAA Illustration)

Pollution & Puget Sound-- 2nd in a three part series -- just 5" (bite size listening) Green ACRE Radio's latest from radio host Martha Baskin

From The Olympian:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

VT Edition Interview: Richard Wiswall on converting the farm to biodiesel or electric

Vermont Public Radio Regional News: VT Edition Interview: Richard Wiswall on converting the farm to biodiesel or electric
(Click link above to listen to show)

Farmer Richard Wiswall has been growing organic crops in Vermont for over 25 years. In the past five years, he's converted from oil to biodiesel all his greenhouses, tractors, trucks and a couple cars. To what end? Great produce grown a little greener, and the world's best tomatoes.

Listen in as he talks about the pros and cons of biodiesel he makes from used fryer grease that area restaurants give him.

See Richard Wiswall and Sally Colman's Cate FarmCate Farm

For more on biodiesel and here



Friday, June 13, 2008

Imagine Clean Water: Cows, Basil and Water Run off From Farm, City to Sound on GREEN ACRE Radio on KBCS and online (Part 1 of 3)

Martha Baskin starts another great radio series on Green ACRE Radio this time focused on run off --from farms, suburbs being developed and urban run off.

The LEDE: Next up is Green Acre Radio. Runoff from land, streets and even drainage ditches has been identified as the Puget Sound’s top pollutant. In Part I of a 3 part series on water pollution, Green Acre Radio visits with several farms in the Snoqualmie River Valley. Can farms be viable and protect water quality at the same time?

Links to Farmers in show:

King Conservation District
King Co. Stormwater Services
Shoreline Alliance

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Green ACRE Radio Closing The Food Gap Food with Food Activist Mark WInne Caps 3 Part Series


Martha Baskin's excellent interviews with Mark Winne brings listeners important news about class and race driven "food deserts" that deny low income whites, blacks, red and yellow people healthy nutritious food sources because we can fill up on high fat, deep fried, cheap "food" and "junk food" with high salt contents that fill one up but not in a healthy way.

What can we do about this serious problem? What role can farmer's markets and Community Supported Agriculture or p patches play in bringing nutritious fruits and vegetables to low income communities?

Fine out more by listening in to our show this week.

Best fishes,


Friday, May 9, 2008

KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio: Green A.C.R.E. Radio Archives

KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio: Green A.C.R.E. Radio Archives

Catch the latest Green ACRE Radio show on Food recovery efforts in King County Washington here.

Upcoming shows will focus on Food Scarcity, Labor Behind Local Farm Produce, and backyard habitat adventures you can have at home!


Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Green ACRE Radio will be @ Seattle Green Expo

Green ACRE Radio will be at the Seattle Green Festival Expo April 12, 13th at Seattle Convention Center.

With over 350 booths -- this expo is guaranteed to be a great way to connect with the local green scene.

Stop by Booth 305 April 12, 13th to learn more about Green ACRE Radio-- and plans for the shows coming up.

Click here to hear Anna Lappe's interview with host Martha Baskin.

This week, listen to KBCS from 6-7 PM for the new Green ACRE show on city chickens. Ever wanted to raise your own chickens?

This show will help you find chickens and tell you why it is such a good idea!


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Latest Green ACRE Radio Show: Gone Fishing

Check out the great latest additions to Green ACRE Radio here

Best fishes,


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Green ACRE Radio: Flooding & Development in the Snoqualmie Watershed in Metro Seattle

For the latest from Green ACRE Radio by host Martha Baskin, listen up!

Michael Pollan Interview on Sierra Club Radio

Check out this recent interview with Michael Pollan whose new book "In Defense of Food" has been a delightful addition to thoughtful conversation about real food.

Also here on Democracy Now

A few weeks back, NYT Health Section ran a contest with readers who liked Michael Pollan's sub header on his In Defense of Food book -- "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

Not interested in radio? Here is a good interview to read.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Green ACRE Radio: Local Farms Healthy Kids --

Welcome to the latest edition of Green ACRE (Agriculture, Conservation, Restoration, Environment) Radio

Please listen and share with friends. Green ACRE Radio show airs Thursday's on and can be found online there anytime.

Listen up!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tree Preservation Legislation Proposed by Greens -- New Radio 5" Green ACRE Show

Dear Friends,

NEW! Listen to the newest Green ACRE Tree Preservation Radio show here:

Greens have organized to protect trees in Washington State so some large trees stay with us in the face of rapid development and urbanizing suburbs.

The City of Seattle has ordinances that are supposed to protect trees, but they are not enforced. So big trees up to 100 years old and more get cut with no one championing them.

Mayor Nickels wants to plant hundreds of thousands of trees. All well and good. But little twigs do not make a tree canopy.

Green ACRE Archives in the Special Reports link at

If I can be of service, leave a note on this blog comments.

Best fishes,


Thursday, January 3, 2008

GreenHomeGuide | Reviews & Information on Salvaged Wood Cabinetry

GreenHomeGuide | Reviews & Information on Salvaged Wood Cabinetry

Possible story for 2008: Green Home Guide

Copywriting tips for online marketing success from Copyblogger

Copywriting tips for online marketing success from Copyblogger

You have a blog, you have a website. What do you do with all that white space? And why?

These are good questions for marketing Green A.C.R.E. Radio and Conservation Districts, too.

Brian Clark of Copyblogger asks:

So, why do we publish all this online content, anyway?

See if this sounds right:

* You need to attract attention and make people aware of who you are and what you do.
* You then need to transform that attention into revenue or some other measurable benefit.

Click the link above and learn some more from this fine writing resource.

Best fishes,


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A truly nifty infill project at Fort Worthology

A truly nifty infill project at Fort Worthology

Read up on this cool new building with greenest design standards.

Imagine America if we developed all our settlements this way. Tons of jobs in that work.