Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25, 2015: Terra Nostra - A Symphony for the Planet

Many symphonies have been written as musical testaments to war - Shostakovitch's "Leningrad," written to honor the estimated 25 million Soviets who lost their lives in World War II, is just one example. But a symphony about climate change is altogether new. And something a French composer and environmental scientist based in Seattle decided the times demanded. Terra Nostra, "Our Earth" in Latin, has its multimedia symphonic premiere later this month. What happens after that remains to be seen.

Listen here:

Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14, 2015: Plastic on the Rise in Oceans & Waters Everywhere

Plastic, large and small, macro and micro, has become a scourge of oceans and waterways everywhere. Researchers reported in the August issue of Science that about 4 million to 12 million metric tons of plastic washed offshore in 2010 alone - enough to cover every foot of coastline on the planet. That’s just the beginning of the problems, the team says, as scientists still don’t know where more than 99% of ocean plastic debris ends up. We take a look at the problem beginning with a clean up crew on a beach on Vashon Island, southwest of Seattle.

Listen here: